Post Show Report Russian Week of High Technologies 2024

13 / 05 / 2024

23–26 April 2024, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Russian Week of High Technologies is Russia's largest business platform for ICT industry professionals to network, find suppliers and new sales channels, develop new solutions, and identify trends in the development of IT and telecom.

The RWHT key events in 2024: 

Maxim Fateev, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO

“Russian Week of High Technologies has grown significantly both in terms of space occupied by its exhibitors, from just over 3,000 to 9,000 net square metres, and the number of participants. Today it welcomes almost 700 companies, 250 of which are participating for the first time. Some foreign vendors have also returned, which shows that RWHT is the most promising platform for new technologies.”

The official opening ceremony of Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 was attended by Vladimir Kononov, Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Alexandr Shoytov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Vadim Chubarov, Vice President at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Maxim Fateev, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO, Alexey Borodin, Director General at the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, and Mehdi Kalantar, Vice President for Information and Communications Technologies at the Center for Progress and Development of Iran Presidency.

Vladimir Kononov, Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education  

“Our country is facing new great challenges, the answer to which should be to ensure the technological sovereignty, and create technologies and products that meet the national interests of Russia necessary to improve the quality of life of our people. Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 is designed to promote the development of scientific and technological achievements.”           

The opening ceremony participants agreed that the creation of a modern information environment was one of the key areas of government activity. It allows, in combination with high intelligence and scientific potential, to create the basis for major systemic transformations of the Russian economy and the country's successful breakthrough to a new technological level. There is no doubt that RWHT contributes to the development of research and technologies and their introduction into real sectors of the economy.

Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia

“It is necessary to talk about the achievements aimed at gaining technological independence in the current difficult external environment. Without such independence, the full-fledged development of the state, security and global competition are impossible.”

Sviaz 2024 

The centrepieces of Russian Week of High Technologies are Sviaz 2024 and Navitech 2024. 

Attendance: 14,234 professional visitors from 40 countries and 82 regions of Russia 

Conference programme: 30+ events with 200 speakers and 3,000+ delegates

Exhibitors: 690 companies

Countries: 9 (Russia, Belarus, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Iran, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Singapore)

Foreign exhibitors: Kirisun Communications Inc., UCLSWIFT Co. Ltd (ILSINTECH), Wuxi Landking Technology Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Trigiant Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Doke Electronic L Co.Ltd., Shenzhen Ulefone Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Kstar Science and Technology CO. Ltd, Tongyu communication INC., Taba Telecom Group, ITCódigo SURL, etc.  

Russian exhibitors: 217 companies from 28 regions including Angstrem-Telecom, Coordination Center for TLD RU, Iskra Technologies, Nateks, Satel, Special Integration, Supertel, Protei, T-KOM, Ò8, Ufanet, Fibo-Telecom, FLAT, Eltex Communications, etc.

Foreign national pavilions: China (450+ companies), Iran

Russian regional pavilions: Ivanovo, Kursk, Oryol, Samara Oblasts, Republic of Crimea

Products on display: telecom equipment and network infrastructure solutions, data centre services, application software, power supply systems, information security solutions, digital environment, mobile, satellite, fibre-optic and radio communications, IoT and AI, digital ecosystems, and much more

The Sviaz floor space and its number of exhibitors have almost doubled in comparison to the previous year, which confirms the show’s importance for the industry.

The edition of 2024 was the first to welcome companies from Cuba.

The International Consumer Electronics Exposition ICEE featured manufacturers from China who demonstrated more than 20 thousand advanced electronic products that are currently in demand. 

The special Centre of Education and Science presented educational programmes and technological achievements of eight Russian universities.

Maxim Fateev, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO

“Russian Week of High Technologies is a showcase of Russia's achievements in the high-tech industry. We believe it is important to show young people, who are just starting their professional journey, how our country and business are developing. Here young participants can see educational technologies and R&Ds for application in research, as well as take part in special competitions and demonstrate their developments and business ideas.”

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Bonch-Bruyevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, and others have presented their own telecom and IT developments. 

During Sviaz 2024, representatives of several universities signed partnership agreements with major industry companies such as Satel, TeleSystems Service and others, and also took part in the events of the conference programme.

Irina Belova, Deputy Head at the State and Municipal Management Department of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Saint-Petersburg

“The development of high technologies in Russia is of strategic importance for economic growth, strengthening of national security and increasing the country’s competitiveness in the global arena. For the successful development of high technologies, it is necessary to create favourable conditions for innovation, attract investment in research, develop a system of support for startups and young researchers, and ensure access to modern technologies and education.”  

Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 included a special Display of Navigation Systems, Technologies and Services – Navitech 2024. Developers, leading integrators and major end-users showcased their accomplishments in satellite navigation, innovative solutions in the field of transport telematics, equipment and special software, telematics platforms, and mapping applications.  

Sviaz had an impact on the development of an innovation ecosystem in Russia's regions, attracted investment in high-tech projects, and provided support to young engineers and researchers.

We would like to thanks all participants in Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 and Sviaz 2024, our sponsor of the conference programme – the SberMobile service provider of Sberbank-Telecom, the show’s general media partner – COMNEWS, and other media partners for their support. 

Conference programme 

The programme’s key event was the Sviaz Forum. It was organised by EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, and RBC.

The Plenary Session on Communications of the Future: Global Challenges and National Priorities was attended by Alexandr Shoytov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Renat Lashin, Executive Director at the Russian Software Products Association “Russian Software”, Alexandr Grigoryev, Vice President for Network Management and Regional Technical Development at VimpelCom, Vladimir Treschikov, Director General at T8, and others.

The session was moderated by Anna Zabroda, RBC TV presenter, and Vladimir Kononov, Deputy of the Russian State Duma. 

Experts discussed key trends of ICT industry development, technological modernisation, and industry development until 2035. Separate sessions were devoted to the role of regions in the ICT sector economy, development, implementation and efficiency of telecom equipment, and strategy, management and approaches in building digital ecosystems.

Special attention was paid to the introduction of Russian advanced telecom technology and AI in the implementation of regional projects using implemented solutions in Moscow and the Moscow region as a case study. The issues of international cooperation in the ICT sector were also covered.

Vladimir Kononov, Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education  

“The country's digital potential always gives an impetus to the development of technological services and products, contributes to the security and well-being of society, and expands business opportunities in various areas of the economy such as transportation, urban infrastructure, automotive and defense industries, energy, agriculture, and geodesy and cartography.”

The Strategic Session on the Scientific and Technological Development of Russia in the Context of New Challenges: Priorities, Human Resources, Laws was held by the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education and EXPOCENTRE AO.

Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Vladimir Kononov moderated the session.

In his speech, First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO Sergey Selivanov stressed that the issue of personnel was given attention at almost all trade shows held at EXPOCENTRE. For example, Sviaz 2024 features a Centre of Education and Science.

The session participants included heads of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Cherepovets State University, MIREA – Russian Technological University, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Novosibirsk State Technical University, and many other universities that train workforce for high-tech industries.

The session participants shared educational programmes of their universities.  

Watch the event recording

The Forum on the Best Practices of Import Independence in Telecommunications featured an award ceremony of the Competition of the Import Independence in Telecommunications Projects, organised by the Russian corporate communications software and equipment manufacturer FLAT and Marvel Distribution.

In 2024, the competition was held for the second time. It accepted project solutions that were fully or partially implemented using Russian telecom equipment and software. The participants were manufacturers and system integrators engaged in the development and implementation of projects to build and upgrade communication systems for customers of all sizes and forms of ownership. The winners received awards.

An annual key event – the Autonet 2024 International Forum – was dedicated to the development of highly automated transport, automotive digital services and transport, and logistics services. It was organised by GLONASS/GNSS Forum in partnership with EXPOCENTRE AO.

Different reports were made by experts from transport related industries, state institutions, representatives of regulatory bodies, as well as heads of insurance and leasing companies.

Speakers shared their views on the development of the market of advanced services and services based on intelligent systems, platforms and networks in the logistics of people and things, presented infrastructure for smart roads and technologies for connected and highly automated transport, innovative solutions and services in modern smart cities, green energy and electric transport in Russia.

Watch the event recording

The Russian Software Forum: Effective Solutions for Data Economy was held by EXPOCENTRE AO, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, the Competence Center of Import Substitution in the ICT Sector, and the Russian Software Products Association “Russian Software”.

The event was moderated by Ilya Massukh, Director at the Competence Center of Import Substitution in the ICT Sector, and Vladimir Kononov, Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education.

According to the moderators, software developed by Russian companies is in many ways superior to Western software. In addition, our partners, such as China, India, and the UAE, have started to actively study Russian experience in order to learn how to better resist sanctions pressure on its basis.

Vladimir Dozhdev, Director of the Digital Technologies Department at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, spoke about industrial competence centres working on replacing foreign industry digital products and solutions. Alexandr Osadchuk, Head of the Main Directorate for Innovative Development of the Russian Ministry of Defence, spoke about the areas of application of Russian IT developments. Renat Lashin, Executive Director at the Russian Software Products Association “Russian Software”, spoke about the measures of state support for IT companies in 2024.

IoT&IIoT World Day, Russia was organised by the Internet of Things Association with the support of Digital Economy ANO and the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The day opened with the Conference on Ru IoT: We Have Import Substituted, and What About You?

Andrey Kolesnikov, moderator of the conference and Director at the Internet of Things Association, gave an overview of the Russian IoT market. Vladimir Dozhdev, Director at the Digital Technologies Department at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, spoke about the ministry’s plans for the development of this market.

IoT experts familiarised the audience with the prospects of creating domestic software and the structure created jointly with government agencies to implement the roadmap for the development of the industry, discussed the state of the IoT&IIoT market, the fusion of science and technology, and IoT implementation news. Representatives of leading IoT companies in Russia presented new platforms, products and solutions and discussed the successes and challenges of their implementation.

Watch the event recording

The 17th International Navigation Forum was another important event. It was organised by GLONASS/GNSS Forum in partnership with EXPOCENTRE AO and held in close cooperation with Navitech 2024.

More than 500 market experts and representatives of different companies attended the forum.

Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, drew attention to the importance of building a unified navigation system in the country and standardising processes at the Plenary Discussion on Development of Satellite Navigation Systems. New Business Models. Navigation Digital Technologies. New Services. Role of Regulators, Industry Problems and Solutions. Implementation of Strategic Initiatives in the Field of Digitalisation of the Economy.

Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia

“Having our own navigation ecosystem is an important element of this country's technological sovereignty. Thanks to a consistent transition to Russian hardware and software solutions, we are improving the security of our critical information infrastructure, including transport infrastructure. Russian engineering teams were able to quickly seize the initiative, and we are already seeing high-quality Russian developments on the market, from microchips to final navigation systems.”

The forum participants discussed new technologies and services in the development of the navigation sphere, industry problems and their solutions, changes in the regulatory framework and issues of technical regulation, implementation of strategic initiatives in the field of digitalisation of the economy.

Reports were made by Andrey Zarenin, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia, Oleg Kem,  Director at the Roscosmos Department of Automatic Space Complexes, Navigation and Earth Remote Sensing Systems, Wang Li, Head at the International Cooperation Center of the China Satellite Navigation Office, and Zakhar Kondrashov, Director General at Progress Microelectronic Research Institute. The discussion was moderated by Vladimir Klimov, Executive Director at the GLONASS/GNSS Forum Association.  

The plenary discussion concluded with an annual ceremony of the GLONASS/GNSS-FORUM Navigation Awards.  

Subsequent forum events were dedicated to transport telematics, high-precision satellite navigation, satellite telecommunications, digital agriculture, navigation and communication equipment, and IoT devices.

EXPOCENTRE AO and the Foton-Express Scientific and Technical Journal held the Conference on Fibre Optics as the Basis of Digitalisation in Russia. Made in Russia, Working for Russia. What’s Up, Russia?

The participants of the sections spoke about the development strategy of the domestic fibre optics industry, touched upon the history of this science and some Russian and world trends, introduced the developments of the All Fibre Russia. Made in Russia, Working for Russia project, the latest technologies of fibre optics, their prospects and spheres of application.

The conference programme was concluded with the 28th International Forum of the International Telecommunication Academy: Digital Transformation. Communications of the Future. It was organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and the International Telecommunication Academy (MAC).   

The forum’s programme was varied and included a plenary session, a panel and several sessions devoted to various aspects of digital transformation in telecommunications.

The forum was attended by MAC academicians, government representatives, agencies, representatives of the regional commonwealth in the field of telecommunications, and many others.

The speakers discussed the present and future of domestic communications and how communications were involved in the global digitalisation of Russia, presented a report on an important part of the data economy, digital quantum communications, and the staffing of this field, and talked about the politicisation of the agenda on international platforms in the field of communications. 

The forum also summarised the results of the MAC 2024 youth competition and had an award ceremony for the winners.

The attention of the professional audience was also attracted by the following events of the RWHT and Sviaz conference programme:

  • Workshop on the System of Operational-Technological and Telephone Communications for Industrial Facilities. A Comprehensive Russian Solution from Informtekhnika and Novikom. Organised by Informtekhnika and Novikom with participation of EXPOCENTRE AO

  • Workshop on Russian Innovative Solutions for Telecommunications Transformation. Organised by the Last Mile Journal in partnership with EXPOCENTRE AO

  • Panel on the Electronic Component Base and Modules for Telecommunication Equipment: a Review of Ready-Made Solutions and a View on Development. Organised by AKRI – Consortium of Design-Centers and Radio-electronic Companies and EXPOCENTRE AO

  • Panel on Artificial Intelligence for Communications. Transformation of Communication Systems. Organised by the Russian Association of Robotics (RAR)

  • The Club of IT & Digital Directors. Organised by the Club of IT & Digital Directors

  • Conference on Certification in Telecom: Hidden Business Opportunities. Organised by Agency RCT

Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 and Sviaz 2024 continued the implementation of the programme of the Decade of Science and Technologies in the Russian Federation and provided participants and visitors with a wide range of opportunities for business meetings, professional networking and signing of contracts. 

Alexander Kalashnikov, Expert at the Stavrapol Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 

“Russian Week of High Technologies 2024 allows to demonstrate the accomplishments of Russian science and industry, and also helps to maintain and strengthen partnerships with foreign partners. The week becomes an important event for the development of the IT industry, promotes innovative development of the economy, and creates a favourable environment for the introduction of new technologies in the market.”  

You can find the feedback of the exhibitors and visitors to Sviaz 2024 here>>.           

We are looking forward to seeing you at Sviaz 2025 held within Russian Week of High Technologies 2025 at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, from 22 through 25 April 2025.   

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO