Feedback of exhibitors and visitors to Sviaz 2024

26 / 04 / 2024

Andrey Paramonov, Product Manager, Linki

“This is the first time that our company has presented its equipment at such a large-scale show. We are very proud of it. We are demonstrating switches and Wi-Fi developed in Russia. These products proved to be really in demand as visitors are constantly coming to our stand. The tasks we set ourselves were already fulfilled on the first day of the event. It was a pleasant surprise for me to find representatives of a global engineering consortium here. 

“We met an interested audience from all over the world. We managed to establish new business relations and found many interesting solutions in different areas, including those indirectly related to our production. We have already fulfilled our goal of reaching consumers, and we will continue to exceed this goal. 

“As an exhibitor, I feel very comfortable at the stand and enjoy interacting with other exhibitors and visitors. That is why I believe the organisers have fully achieved their objectives. 

“Next year we will try to offer more interesting products, more ideas and more developments. See you at the next Svyaz 2025!”

Arvidas Alutis, Director of Commercial Department, GIT

“I am very happy to be here. We are back here after a long break for the first time in seven years. 

“The show has changed a lot. It has become more practical. There is active networking with our customers during the two days of work. They are very happy to see us and our products here. 

“Our stand is very beautiful and interactive. You can see everything in operation. Sviaz 2024 is an exhibition for professionals now. There are the latest solutions available on the market here. The leading manufacturers are here. In the beginning, we had to convince our shareholders of the necessity to participate in the show. After all, we need funds, efficiency assessment and so on, but now, I think, the shareholders themselves will demand annual participation in this event. I can confidently say that we will return here every year.”

Igor Zakharchenko, founder of Basis Telecom OOO

“We are a regular exhibitor at Sviaz. This is clearly a record-breaking event in terms of attendance and quality of stands. Its competitiveness is at a very high level. Moscow is historically a technological centre. And this event only confirms it.  Even just walking from stand to stand, one can notice that the latest solutions that can be seen on the world stage are presented here. 

“The number of foreign partners is striking. For example, there are many colleagues from Iran, from the UAE, and a huge number of them from China. 

“Our customers are based all over Russia. It is only today that we are able to meet them within the session. Of course, it is a very valuable and unique opportunity to see your friends and your customers.”

Wang Mawig, Chief Operational Director, Shenzhen Hanya International Commerce Co., Ltd

“We presented more than 200 companies from China at Sviaz 2024. This is the only exhibition of consumer electronics and electrical engineering in Russia. This event is part of Russian Week of High Technology, which has a great influence in Russia and the CIS countries. It is also an important channel for products and consumer electronics to enter the Russian market. 

“I am sure that the organisers will continue to improve this show, attracting even more exhibitors and visitors. We are very pleased with its results.”

Leonid Mikhin, Executive Director, FLAT

“This is not the first time we have participated in this exhibition. Here we have an opportunity to talk to our partners and customers, to meet them face-to-face and demonstrate our products and technological solutions. All this in one place. 

“This year our company is also a co-founder, co-participant and organiser of the exhibition of best import substitution practices. We have seen a huge interest of the participants in this event, and many important and useful projects were presented. 

“The show is visited by people from very different regions from Novosibirsk to Kaliningrad. There are people here whom we have not been able to meet for a long time because they are from other cities. It was only at this stand that we managed to bring together end customers and partners thanks to this exhibition. 

“I would like to wish all participants wellbeing, peace, prosperity and development of domestic solutions.”

Maxim Kovalev, Head of Infrastructure Solutions, CompTek

“Sviaz is the main IT event for our company. And it is certainly a unique event that allows us not only to show our products but also to communicate with colleagues, discuss issues of interest and schedule meetings.

“No other platform allows you to meet so many companies. We had many meetings with partners. We even managed to agree on a collaboration. We are pleased with the results and will definitely take part in the exhibition next time as well.”

Roman Romanov, Deputy Director General for Development, SATEL

“SATEL is a leading Russian integrator that specialises in telecommunications. It means that Sviaz is a core and most interesting event of the Russian telecommunications industry for us. 

“Our stand is the largest we have ever had at any of the exhibitions. We are entering the Russian market with our own products and presenting them all on our stand for the first time. We are using this show to sign important contracts with our partners. I wish the exhibition to continue to grow and follow the latest trends in the telecommunications market.”

Ruslan Kirichek, Rector, Doctor of Engineering, Associate Professor, Bonch-Bruyevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

“This is our seventh year at this show. I can confidently say that every year it grows and its scale increases.  This year’s fundamental difference is that there are many more developments made by Russian companies. 

“Historically, there are a lot of specialists in our country. All great developments in the field of communications were created in Russia: the first radio, the first cellular communication developed in St. Petersburg. We are capable of creating our own things. It is not a must to take guidance and use foreign technology but to develop and strive for leadership in order to gain the upper hand.”
